Best JavaScript Data Grids and Spreadsheets


Handsontable is a minimalistic, Excel-like grid component for web apps. It looks and feels like a spreadsheet. Handsontable is easy to implement, flexible, and customizable. You can extend it with custom plugins and edit the source code to adjust it to your product. Plus you get access to a comprehensive API, useful tutorials, and both community and commercial support.

Works with the most popular frameworks:

Features Overview

  • Drag-down
  • Merge cells
  • Alignment
  • Read-only
  • Different cell types
  • Fixed rows and columns
  • Scrollbars
  • Highlighting rows or columns
  • Stretching
  • Resizing
  • Freezing
  • Moving
  • Pre-populating new rows
  • Data validation
  • Pagination
  • Search for values
  • Sorting
  • Undo/redo
  • Conditional formatting
  • Custom borders
  • Formula support
  • Support mobiles and tablets
  • Context menu
  • Custom buttons
  • Comments


AutoFill - Fill data automatically

Handsontable AutoFill

Cell editing

Handsontable cell editing

Collapsible columns

Handsontable collapsible columns

Conditional formatting

Handsontable conditional formatting

Context menu

Handsontable context menu

Date cell type

Handsontable date cell type

Data filtering

Handsontable data filtering

Fixed/Frozen/Pinned columns and rows

Handsontable column freezing

Merged cells

Handsontable merged cells

Multi-column sorting

Handsontable multi-column sorting

Multiple cell selection

Handsontable multiple cell selection

Multiple row selection

Handsontable multiple row selection

Nested headers

Handsontable nested headers

Row reordering

Handsontable row reordering


  • 19570
  • 3008
  • 417
  • License: Free/Commercial
  • Author: Handsoncode
  • Last update: N/A