Best JavaScript Data Grids and Spreadsheets


React Virtualized Pivot is a virtualized pivot table component for React.

ReactPivot takes a required data argument in the form of an array of arrays (first array will be your column headers) or an array of objects (keys of the object are your column headers). As well as optional arguments:

  • bodyCellValueTransformation A function that transforms the display value of the body cell.
  • colorPack An object with components to adjust colors of as keys and the corresponding color as a string.
  • onGridCellClick A function that is fired when clicking on a grid cell.
  • onGridHeaderCellClick A function that is fired when clicking on a column header.
  • onLeftGridCellClick A function that is fired when clicking on a row header (the left hand column).
  • onLeftHeaderCellClick A function that is fired when clicking on the top left most cell.

react-virtualized-pivot preview


react-virtualized-pivot demo


  • 107
  • 19
  • 8
  • License: MIT
  • Author: Niles Turner & Patrick Trasborg
  • Last update: N/A