Best JavaScript Data Grids and Spreadsheets

UI Grid

A data grid for AngularJS, part of the AngularUI suite.

  • Native AngularJS implementation, no jQuery
  • Performs well with large data sets; even 10,000+ rows
  • Plugin architecture allows you to use only the features you need

Features Overview

  • Hidden Grids
  • Multiple Grids per Page
  • Grid in a Modal
  • CellClass
  • Add/Delete/Swap Data
  • Adding and removing columns
  • Adding a row header
  • HeaderCellClass
  • Fonts and Installation
  • Tooltips
  • RTL Support
  • Grid Menu
  • Accessibility
  • Large Dataset
  • Horizontal Scrolling
  • Features
  • Edit Feature
  • Cell Navigation
  • Pinning
  • Column Resizing
  • Row Edit Feature
  • Exporting Data
  • Importing Data
  • Save and restore state
  • Grouping
  • Selection
  • Infinite scroll
  • Auto-Resizing
  • Pagination
  • Tree View
  • Expandable grid
  • Column Moving
  • Third Party Features
  • Edit On Focus
  • Custom Header
  • Customizing Column Menu
  • Two grids on a page
  • Accessing Scope in templates
  • Custom Filters
  • External Sorting
  • External Filtering
  • Edit Feature With Cellnav
  • Importing Data With Row Edit
  • Exporting Data With Custom UI
  • Custom Interpolation Symbols
  • External Pagination
  • Edit Feature With Cascading Dropdowns
  • Dynamic Data Changes and Watchers
  • Custom Templates
  • Complex Trees
  • Complex Grouping
  • Single filter
  • Validation
  • All Features
  • Grid Scrolling
  • End to End Testing
  • Large Data Sets and Performance
  • Exporting All Data With External Pagination


Cell editing

UI Grid cell editing

Grid in a modal window

UI Grid in a modal window

Aggregation by grouping

UI Grid aggregation by grouping

Multiple grids per page

UI Grid cell multiple grids per page


UI Grid pagination

Pinned left and right columns

UI Grid pinned left and right columns

Row selection with a checkbox

UI Grid row selection with a checkbox


  • 5382
  • 2469
  • 728
  • License: MIT
  • Author: AngularUI
  • Last update: N/A