Best JavaScript Data Grids and Spreadsheets


The w2ui library is a set jQuery plugins for front-end development of data driven web applications. It contains all most common UI widgets: Layout, Grid, Sidebar, Tabs, Toolbar, Popup, Field Controls and Forms. You do not need to put together a collection of mismatched plugins to accomplish your goals.

  • Lightweight. Very small foot print, only 69Kb.
  • Feature rich out of the box. Resizable columns, reordering, infinite scroll, frozen columns, you name it.
  • Skinning - Create you own scheme by changing colors in LESS file, and it will propagate through out.


Column grouping

Column grouping

Grid and sidebar

Grid and sidebar

Spreadsheet like grid

Spreadsheet like grid

Advanced search

Advanced search

Column summary

Column summary


  • 2690
  • 729
  • 340
  • License: MIT
  • Author: Vitali Malinouski
  • Last update: N/A